
From Beirut, Lebanon.

Lebanese architect residing in Beirut converted to urban design/planning since 2008 after getting a Master’s from La Sapienza, University di Roma. Working as a consultant in Urbanism on many types of projects from different scales and typologies in the MENA region and the GCC. Fascinated by urbanity, people, and quality of life in cities, and interested by the complexity of urban territories, specifically regarding the complex layering of economy, sociology, politic, psychology, environment and architecture.

Educator, Associate professor and founding member of the new school of architecture ECAR founded in USJ (University Saint-Joseph) Beirut, Lebanon in 2018, acknowledging the pedagogical mission of transmittal and collaboration in order to transit into a consciously sustainable era.

Published a book on 24 imaginary cities in French named “Virées Citadines, deux douzaines de villes” at Persées Editions in January 2008.